Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PA Protects the Environment

What can make heeding the call of the environmentalists to save the Planet, different this time around, is taking the time to consider all ramifications of any actions, and collaboration between divergent constituencies. This seems to be going on in this news report from Pennsylvania. We don't have to develop new things all the time, we can take the time to do things right and respect the environment along the way.

Sundance Channel : Blogs : Environmental News : Pennsylvania Lawmakers, Groups Urge Forested Streamside Buffers
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, June 18, 2008 (ENS) - A proposal that would require all new developments in Pennsylvania to protect rivers and streams on their properties with a forested strip of land at least 100 feet wide was presented today to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, DEP. The Pennsylvania Campaign for Clean Water launched the proposal under the banner "Buffers 100."

Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, explains, "If we are to protect our communities from flooding, drought and pollution, if we are to provide our communities with high quality drinking water, recreation, and growing businesses, it is critical we protect our streams and rivers with forested buffers that are a minimum of 100 feet wide, and greater where we have more sensitive streams."

The proposal requesting the DEP propose new regulations requiring the buffers has been endorsed by 110 citizens groups, businesses and municipal organizations from across the state, along with 25 legislators from both parties and both chambers of the General Assembly.

A forested streamside buffer zone
in Maine (Photo courtesy Maine DEP)

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