Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ron Paul gets DFW excited

Here is a link to Ron Paul's speech in Texas on September 5th. If you have not heard him speak yet, I urge you to take the time and Listen to what he has to say. These ideas may initially sound radical to you, however, they are what our Founding Fathers intended from the beginning. It will take time, patience, and persistence to change things. Now is our opportunity to change the tide!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Message from Ron Paul

Ron Paul 2008

September 7, 2007

Has this been a hectic and encouraging time! First we got almost 17% in the Texas straw poll, an event set-up to represent the establishment, with very restrictive voting rules. That 17% of the Republican hierarchy would support our views, after a full day of pro-war propaganda, is good news. Then we won the more open Maryland Republican straw poll with 28%. In both cases, as usual, hard-working, well-organized volunteers made all the difference.

The Fox debate was a lot of fun as well. It's true that a few of the network people are not exactly with us on foreign or domestic policy (though one famous guy whispered to me that he is a libertarian), but the audience-with lots of students from the University of New Hampshire-was definitely fair and balanced, as their enthusiastic reaction showed.

My opponents called for more war, more torture, more secret prisons, more eavesdropping, more presidential power. Some seemed to identify the government and the people as if they were one entity. But you and I know that once the government moves beyond its very limited constitutional mandate, it is an opponent of the people, a rip-off operation that takes our money and our freedom and our social peace, and gives us a mess of statist pottage in return.

The government failed miserably on 911 to protect us, despite spending trillions. So the answer was supposed to be the giant, socialist Department of Homeland Security, protecting you and me from taking our toothpaste on the airplane. I was ridiculed for saying that the airlines, which know best how to protect their property, should have been allowed to arm their pilots. But then, you and I really believe in the Second Amendment. It is not just a political slogan for us.

When I discussed the blowback that came from us intervening on the Arabian peninsula, Chris Wallace asked me if I wanted to follow the marching orders of al-Qaeda. I responded that I wanted to follow the marching orders of the Constitution, and not wage undeclared, aggressive wars that cause us only trouble. This is a mystifying to some, of course, but not to more and more Americans.

There was much talk of taxes, and a pledge not to raise rates. But as usual, I was not allowed to discuss my lifelong pledge to abolish the income tax. Just holding the line, when the government takes such vast sums through an illegitimate guilty-until-proven-innocent system, is hardly enough. We need to slash taxes and spending if we are to have a future of prosperity for ourselves and our families.

After the debate, many young people gathered around the stage to discuss our ideas and ask questions about them (and to have me sign their badges). My colleagues got no such response, and after a few moments, "security" ordered me off the stage. Can't have any such demonstration of interest in liberty.

But the young are with us, and so are Americans of every stripe. Even party officials. When one of my opponent said it was OK to lose elections through supporting the Iraq war, that set party people's teeth on edge, and rightly so. The Republican party is shrinking. We need new people. It's either our ideas or President Hillary, and more and more people recognize it.

But the media, and everyone else, will be looking at fundraising totals at the end of this month. They'll judge us by how we do. And we need help to wage what we hope will be a full-scale, 50-state campaign. Please help me head into the next quarter fully armed to do battle for freedom, peace and prosperity. Make your most generous contribution This Revolution is on the move, but it very much needs your support.



Ron Paul at the GOP debate in New Hampshire (FOX News)

Here is a good example of Ron Paul under pressure. Also, this clearly shows the arrogance of the news media, as they attempt to discredit Dr. Paul and his arguments.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Ron Paul: Our Power, Our Responsibility

Wake up America. It is time to exercise our right to vote. Here is a powerful message that should resonate in the hearts of all who would call themselves Patriots of the United States of America. We need to take our Country back! Now, more than ever. The Republican & Democratic parties have abandoned US for their own self-interest. Now, We must abandon them! But, for now, we need to register Republican, in order to, support Dr. Paul in the Republican primaries. This sacrifice will be for OUR self-interest.

Go, Ron Paul !

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Message from Ron Paul

Subject: Message from Ron Paul
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 16:28:41

August 22, 2007

Not all the media are biased. A local newspaper in New Hampshire
reported on an annual GOP bbq in the town of Hollis. It could be
called "the Ron Paul show,"they said, since the far bigger crowd,
than usual, consisted mostly of our supporters. One volunteer even
rented an airplane and flew a wonderful sign around the sky.
What great, creative, self-starting people I'm meeting, at every stop,
all of them united by a love of America and American freedom.

Politics is usually about division. But this campaign is just
the opposite. Not only are our volunteers a bunch of happy warriors,
but they also practice the virtues of tolerance and peace, just as
they want the nation to do.

The other day, the state chairman of an opposing campaign
(not in New Hampshire!), angrily tore a sign out of one of
our supporter's hands and trashed it. Different people with
different beliefs might have responded differently. But our people,
though they'd been standing in the rain all day, applied the
Golden Rule. It's because of quiet heroes that I know we can
change this country.

A reporter in New Hampshire told me this story about Florida:
she had seen the same three supporters working every day passing
out our literature, and so decided to interview them. She was
startled to discover that one was a Republican, one was a Democrat,
and one was an Independent. But I wasn't.

Freedom brings us all together. We can all agree on leaving
people alone to plan and live their own lives, rather than
trying to force them to obey at the point of a gun, as runaway
government does. Instead of clawing at each other via the
warfare-welfare state, people under liberty can cooperate in
a unity of diversity.

There is no need to use government to threaten others who
have different standards, or to be threatened by them.
Looking to our Founders, our traditions, and the Constitution,
we can build, in peaceful cooperation, a free and prosperous society.

At a talk show in Nashua, New Hampshire, the host asked me about
the fair tax. Well, I agree on getting rid of the IRS, I told her,
but I want to replace it with nothing, not another tax. But let's
not forget the inflation tax, I said.

This was something she had never considered, but after I talked
about the depreciation of our dollar by the Federal Reserve,
its creation of artificial booms and busts, and its bailouts of
the big banks and Wall Street firms, to the detriment of the average
person, she loved it. That is another tax, she agreed, a hidden and
particularly vicious tax.

They try to tell us that the money issue is boring or irrelevant.
In fact, it is the very pith of our social lives, and morally,
Constitutionally, and economically, the central bank is a disaster.
Thanks to the work of this movement, Americans are starting to
understand what has been hidden from them for so long:that we have
a right to sound and honest money, not to a dollar debauched for
the special interests.

Unconstitutional government has created a war crisis, a financial
crisis, a dollar crisis, and a freedom crisis. But we don't have
to take it. We don't have to passively accept more dead soldiers,
a lower standard of living, rising prices, a national ID,
eavesdropping on our emails and phone calls, and all the rest.

We can return to first principles, and build the brightest,
most brilliant future any people on earth has ever aspired to.
Help me teach this lesson. Help me campaign all over this country,
in cooperation with our huge and growing volunteer army. Help me
show that change is not only possible, but also essential.
Please,make your most generous contribution to this campaign
for a Constitutional presidency worthy of our people.
Invest in freedom: for yourself, for your family, for your future.



Sunday, August 19, 2007


Here is a wonderful campaign video!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ron Paul Library, High Risk Spending

Ron Paul Library, High Risk Spending

 In the time that the GAO list has existed, there have been 33 additions and a mere 18 removals, including two this year. Only when the people demand the federal government stop trying to meet any and all demands, and instead return to a constitutionally limited republic, will the list of programs subject to waste, fraud and abuse be dramatically reduced. While government will never be perfect, a limited government is far more able to not only identify problems, but to actually correct them.

Ron Paul Library, As Recess Begins, Spending Spree Continues

Ron Paul Library, As Recess Begins, Spending Spree Continues

The federal government has a spending problem. Each year our current accounts balance gets worse and worse, and the amount of foreign held government debt has skyrocketed. Both Republicans and Democrats; conservatives, liberals and moderates, indeed nearly every single-member of the Washington political establishment, is addicted to one form of federal spending or another.

Only when the American people absolutely demand that the spending spree be stopped, will their representatives in Washington stop using this issue as a political football to score public relations points, and finally face-up to the fact that we are a nation in a very precarious financial position, which demands real spending cuts in order to avoid bankrupting our next generation.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Multitasking Perspective

Patrick Malone CSE | Listening: The Key to Teamwork | The PAR Group | Human Resources | Networking | Sales and Marketing

Our technology tools are capable of quality multi-tasking, human beings are not.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Transplanted Organs "Remember" Their Donor

clipped from

Cellular Memory in Organ Transplants

theories of emotions or
memories being somehow stored in the tissues of the body and later manifesting
in the physical form of pain or disease. What was most striking were the
numerous reports of organ transplant recipients who later experienced
changes in personality traits, tastes for food, music, activities and
even sexual preference. Is it possible that our memories reside deep inside
our bodily cells in addition to in our minds?
propose the universal
living memory hypothesis in which they believe that "all systems stored
energy dynamically . . . and this information continued as a living, evolving
system after the physical structure had deconstructed."
After interviewing nearly 150 heart and other organ transplant recipients,
Pearsall proposes the idea that cells of living tissue have the capacity
to remember.
"Changes in Heart Transplant Recipients That Parallel the Personalities
of Their Donors."
The researchers reported striking parallels
blog it
I can attest to this. I had a Liver Transplant in 2002. Ever since the transplant I have had cravings for Ice Cream and chocolate. Prior to the transplant I never had any cravings for sweets. I believe my donors name is Charlie, but no one ever told me his name. I also got a strong urge to finish college. While recovering I insisted to my rehabilitation counselor that I wanted to go back to school. I graduated with a BA in Liberal Studies on May 15, 2004, and am now in graduate school for an MS in Strategic Leadership
The whole article is well worth the read.